April 8: The Real Cost of the Wrong Hire

  • 08 Apr 2025
  • 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Maggiano's Buckhead - 3368 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA 30326



The Real Cost of the Wrong Hire

With Speaker, Shannon Charbonneau, XPS Solutions

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

11:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Maggiano's Buckhead

3368 Peachtree Rd, Atlanta, GA 30326

REGISTRATION: Members: $40, Non-Members: $65

Recruiting and training is a significant time investment for any business.  But for many small businesses, the ramp up time is shorter, and the need is greater for every person to bear their own weight. 

Let’s talk about what happens and how to respond when someone can’t or won’t fulfill their intended mission!

Shannon Charbonneau is the Vice President of Client Solutions for XPS Solutions, a third-party contact center operator based out of Richardson, TX. XPS provides people and technology to support our clients at all stages of need from automated payments and mobile apps, to live agent Rentals and Tenant Support all the way through fully Remote Managers.  Shannon joined the company in 2011 and has spent the last several years traveling across the country to meet with self-storage owners and operators to learn how to best meet their needs for support in the ever-changing landscape of self-storage.  She is passionate about the value of customer experience in all interactions. 

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Georgia Self Storage Association

P.O. Box 1128

LaGrange, GA 30241

(P) 678-764-2006


Georgia Self Storage Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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